AUB’s Award Winning Services

AUB is a creative enterprise, where innovation is a way of life. We are uniquely resourced with end-to-end services to take clients from inspiration, through conceptualization, to realization of design or project delivery in the built and natural environments.

AUB is embracing the challenge to alter the culture of development – from doing well to doing well while doing ‘good’ and provide an improvement on the value of assets. AUB’s investment in sustainability and environmental services represents a corporate social responsibility to truly embrace the vision of achieving quantifiable sustainability benefits in all AUB projects. AUB ’s sustainability and environmental staff have extensive experience applying the principles of sustainability strategies and rating systems to national standards, city-scale solutions, high-end projects with multiple real-estate assets typologies and infrastructure, from concept all the way through to construction in a fully coordinated and streamlined process.

Informed by research and actual delivery, the AUB Sustainability and Environmental Services team improves the management of the project lifecycle, from project identification, site selection and feasibility to design and delivery.

Capabilities include

  • Sustainability Services:

    Sustainability & ESG Strategy Development Services
    Citywide Sustainable Infrastructure Services
    Carbon Footprint Services
    Smart City Services
    Renewable & Energy Strategy Services
    Citywide Energy Strategy Services
    Green Certifications Ratings Consultancy, Advisory and Auditing Services

  • Environmental Services:
    Planning, Policy & Development Services
    Environmental Impact Assessments Services
    Environmental Due Diligence Assessments Services
    Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Services
    Environmental Site Supervision Services
    Contaminated Land Studies Services


  • Waste Design & Planning Services:
    Waste Design Services
    Technical Waste Services
    Waste Transaction Advisory Services
    Landfill Services
    Dumpsite Remediation Services

AUB’s wide range of award-winning sustainability services are aimed at developing and implementing a sustainable future.

  • Professional Consultancy Services:
    Carbon Footprint
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Consultancy
    Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Disclosures
    Policy Conception & Implementation
    Regulatory Compliance
    Smart Technologies Integration
    Standards, KPI & Framework Development
    Sustainability Tools
    Tailored Consultancy


  • Green Certification Auditing & Management:
    Barjeel (RAK)
    Dubai Green Building Regulations (Al Sa'fat)
    Green Star South Africa


  • Technical Expert Services:
    Building Physics and Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Carbon Accounting
    Energy & Water Audits
    Indoor Environmental Quality Studies
    Microclimate & Passive Design Modeling
    Net Energy & Carbon Zero
    Research & Innovation
    Sustainable Master Planning and Infrastructure Optimization