Ethics & Responsibility

As a regional leader and one of the largest Middle Eastern consultancy firms, AUB pledges to lead by example, maintaining and reinforcing a world class ethical practice and an unwavering culture of excellence.

We pride ourselves in our reputation and a scrupulous regard for high standards of personal conduct and integrity. AUB is built upon the principles of fair dealings and ethical conduct and we adhere to careful observation of all applicable laws and regulations.

Ethical conduct is fundamental to how we do business and reinforces our core values which shapes our culture and defines the character of the company. Ethics also guide how we behave and make decisions at all levels of the company: From the officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents of AUB .

“Consistent with our core value of integrity, AUB acts in all things with honor and the highest standards of ethical, law-abiding and professional behavior and operates with a zero-tolerance towards bribery or any other form of corrupt practice.” –